Born in Hong Kong, Fiona Lee’s works of art are derived from the intersection between installation and performance. Listening creates an important connection between Fiona and the world; this is when she feels the movement of every single moment. She believes her art creations represent the progress she is making in exploring and accepting her own and others’ possibilities. Her recent research on Naturopathic Therapy and the organon of healing art. The research process inspires her to create by learning to listen to and be aware of our own body and mind to heal disease.
Lee’s installations have been featured at a number of art festivals, including ART CAMP TANGO 2017 (Japan), ifva Carnival 2016 (Hong Kong), Around Sound Art Festival 2014 (Kyoto, Japan), and Transi(en)t Manila Project Glocal 2014 (Manila,Philippines). She was invited to perform in a number of festival and gigs, such as Intersection In MidAir (Hong Kong ,2019), Asian Meeting Festival 2016 (Japan), HK Street Music Experimental series, and Kill the Silence festival (Hong Kong).
李穎姍生於香港。過去的作品以裝置和即興表演為主。以聆聽作為跟世界與自身連結 的一個重要渠道,感受每一刻的流動。她認為創作對自身來說是發掘和接受自己與他 人有更多的可能性。最近的演出以電子樂器、自製聲音物件為主,期望能夠與各演出者、觀眾在同一空間上創造新的經驗。另外,最近研究各種自然療法與其治療藝術,期望從聆聽身心以至疾病療癒之間中滋養創作 。
李氏的裝置與演出作品在不同的藝術節中展出,例如,Playfreely Festival(新加坡, 2019)空中集氣(香港,2019),ART CAMP TANGO 2017(日本),ifva影像嘉年華,聽在《聲音藝術節 2014》(日本京都)、Transi(en)t Manila Project Glocal 2014(菲律賓馬尼拉),Asian Meeting Festival 2016(日本),以及Kill the Silence festival(香港)。